β — vertical
coefficient vector.
X — Covariate matrix
with one row per observation.
— i’th row from X
Y — Vertical binary
outcome vector.
k — number of
n — number of
i — observation index.
j — covariate index.
$$ P(Y_i = 1) = \frac{\lambda}{1 + \text{exp}(\boldsymbol{X_i}\boldsymbol{\beta})} = \frac{\text{exp}(\theta)}{(1 + \text{exp}(\theta))(1 + \text{exp}(\boldsymbol{X_i}\boldsymbol{\beta}))} $$
θ is the logit transformation of λ: $\theta = \text{log}(\frac{\lambda}{1-\lambda})$
Optimisation is done using the θ parameterisation because it does not constrain the likelihood.
l(θ, β) = ∑i yi θ − log(1 + exp(Xiβ)) − log(1 + exp(θ)) + (1 − yi)log(1 + exp(Xiβ)(1 + exp(θ)))
Dunning AJ (2006). “A model for immunological correlates of protection.” Statistics in Medicine, 25(9), 1485-1497. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.2282.