d — day index.
g — vaccination lag period
wd —
vaccine effectiveness on day d
vd —
vaccine coverage on day d.
rd — flu
incidence on day d.
bd —
number of vaccinations of susceptible on day d.
d = 0 — initial
d = 1 — first timepoint (day)
for which we have data.
N — starting population size
Vd —
vaccinations on day d
sd* —
infections on day d in absence
of vaccination (given).
Pd* —
susceptible population on day d in absence of vaccination.
— averted infections on day d.
sd —
infections on day d.
For d = 0:
A0 = N
b0 = 0
C0 = 0
D0 = 0
E0 = 0
F0 = 0
P0* = N
s0 = 0
s0a = 0
For d > 0 (order presented corresponds to the order of calculations):
Line bd − 1...bd − g means that the same calculation is done on each bd − i from i = 1 to i = g. The calculation being (in line 8) bd − i = bd − i − rdbd − i.